New heads vital for change
The Somare-Temu regime need to show the people of Papua New Guinea what tangible developments they have accomplished over the last seven or so years when they were in power. The people have suffered for so long and they need to be reassured of what the National Alliance led-Government has in store for them.
Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare (L) with National Alliance Highlands block leader Don Polye (Center) and Deputy Prime Minister Sir Puka Temu at the press conference yesterday
What has been promised during political rallies from the highlands to the coast has been pure political gimmick and blundering hearsay. It is prevalent to the people that the Government led by NA only knows one thing and that is to make decisions to suit their interests and hidden agendas.
They are just too good for signing deal after deal under the table to lure foreign investors to suit themselves and their cohorts.If the rumours around the corridors of Waigani are true, we need a change of the Government for the better. When good leaders rule, there is stability and the nation is prosperous but when unscrupulous leaders lead, there is confusion and frustrations which ultimately leads to destruction.
Will the Opposition led by Sir Mekere Morauta shed some light on our darkest moments? We could only pray and hope that a new government if formed should serve the best interest of the people of this country.Improve people’s lives, not your own.
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