Keeping Papua New Guinea's traditions and cultures alive
“Culture does not mean cardboard paintings. It has to be pure culture. That’s the whole reason for staging cultural shows. Feathers, body paints, armbands, possum furs and almost every display must be natural,” this was the message from Mt Hagen Cultural Show chairman Max Kumbamong. CULTURE is culture, it means pure tradition, says Mt Hagen Cultural Show committee chairman Max Kumbamong. Or in other words, Mr Kumbamong means culture should not be dictated or manipulated by modern features.
In closing this year’s show at Kagamuga showground last Sunday, Mr Kumbamong urged traditional dancers and other participants not to substitute our diverse cultural regalia with make-up and other modern inserts. “Culture does not mean cardboard paintings. It has to be pure culture. That’s the whole reason of staging cultural shows. Feathers, body paints, armbands, possums and almost every display must be originally natural,” he pleaded, while thanking participants for maintaining and promoting our culture.
He asked people not to spend so much time and money on rugby league matches but to take families, especially young ones, to such cultural outings to keep the quickly-fading traditions alive.He said everyone must take some pride in maintaining their culture for the benefit of the future generation.

Kumbamong feels the cultural arena must be promoted to greater heights each progressive year as this is the fundamental strength of the show. He said expensive marketing and advertising is necessary and vital in order to make future shows colourful and attractive.“Advertising cost is expected to increase as the need of promotion and publicity is of paramount importance to the success of our show in the long term.
A good promotion and advertising can attract visitors and participants from both local and international communities,” he reiterated, even though tourist numbers dropped to 250 from 360 last year.After successfully running the show for the last three years, Kumbamong feels he has the ultimate back-up and support of his dedicated committee to bring the event to newer heights.
“The committee has varied capacity in talent and experiences and with the assistance of potential corporate sponsors a productive promotions program could be adopted and maintained, in particular our quest to producing a full DVD documentary,” he said.Kumbamong also announced that his committee was enthusiastic about creating a new website to promote the event.

“The website will be named ‘Destination Mt Hagen’ and this should undoubtedly be the best marketing tool on the global level,” he said.He thanked the on-going support and consistent efforts of inbound tour operators, PNG Tourism Promotion Authority and Air Niugini for marketing and promotions.
He also thanked the Western Highlands Provincial Government, Coca-Cola Amatil (PNG) Ltd and bemobile for sponsoring this year’s show.Mr Kumbamong said Mt Hagen cultural show has the capacity to become a self-funding annual event given the right working environment. He added that expenses surpass income due to huge overheads associated, particularly with ground preparations and cultural arena costs.

With around K200,000 cash in sponsorship deals and a good turnout at the gates, every stakeholder hopes the Kumbamong committee will again declare some cash surplus this year to continue with its infrastructural improvement programs at Kagamuga showground.
We hope that next year’s show will be bigger and better as promised by Mr Kumbamong during his closing remarks. And don’t forget. Every dancer this time must come in with full culture, culture and of course culture alone. Nothing foreign please.
Source: Post Courier
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