What's in Papua New Guinea's political rhetorics?
"I thought we had the funding. I was in hospital in Singapore when it happened. I’ll look into the issue.” These are among other words Papua New Guinea's prime Minister Michael Somare (left) said on Aljazeera TV and I quote.
Yes, in Papua New Guinea political terms, Somare's above words means; I have no idea what you're asking about madam ( the reporter), I will not look into the issue because it is a waste of my time, and I will always do what I think is ALWAYS right.

These kinds of responses from politicians takes years and even more donkey years, and above all people never get the chance to hear what they requested for through their elected representatives time and again. In the Land of the Unexpected, unexpected things can happen and in this case, it's frustrating to see this unfold to the people who swore to represent their people who gave them the mandate.
It seems to an ordinary Papua New Guinean that everything vanishes into thin air mainly in Waigani (where Papua New Guinea's parliament chambers are) where all these bunch of corrupt politicians meet to plan ways to build their empires rather than improving the lives of Papua New Guineans mainly living on less than a dollar ($1) in most parts of Papua New Guinea's remote rural areas.
Do Papua New Guineans trust what every politician says? I don't think so. Until Papua New Guineans see tangible results and actions followed after the so called politician's words, we will not believe every word that comes out from a Papua New Guinean politician or even the prime minister for that matter. Oh, and those who are new to Papua New Guinea politics, this is a norm so just to let you know.
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