Papua New Guinea Teachers deserve better rewards
I am disgusted at the way the Education Department and it's provincial education divisions are treating the teachers with their leave fares. Teachers serve the communities diligently by executing their duties even though they are not well paid according to the enormous work they do to adhere to the government's policies.
Teachers work tirelessly to implement the government's education reforms and should be given a fair treatment. The 'leave fare' saga is an on going issue and needs to be solved amicably within the various education departments to avoid such disappointments among teachers.
It seems that no one in the education department is paying a close attention to this prolonged issue. This depicts a lack of communication, foresight, and poor administrative organization within the National Education Department and their counterparts in the provinces where most of the teachers are affected.

This is an issue that needs to be given a top priority prior to the closing of the schools for the year so that teachers could have advance plans for their trips to their homes to spend the holidays with their families and loved ones.
Nothing has improved over the years. The same old issue is coming up every year which has an adverse impact on the poor teachers and their families to suffer the consequences of an issue that is not being addressed adequately by the education officials.
It's getting worse and worse every year because somebody is not doing his or her delegated duty. Let's not make the teachers suffer for something that they did not create. Teachers deserve better rewards!
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