The plight of West Papua
By Andrew Johnson
We have allowed murder & theft for 47 years ever since the evil 1962 New York Agreement trading the people of West Papua like property to Indonesia, it was illegal and it was for the theft of Papua's mineral wealth by Freeport.
Before being sold like cattle, West Papua had held national elections in January 1961 and their New Guinea Council took office in April 1961 to help the Dutch governor draft new laws until independence within ten years.
And the governor asked the Council to draft a law that would protect West Papua's mineral & other wealth for benefit of the Papuan people. Instead, today Freeport operates the world's largest gold & largest copper mine stealing Papua's wealth for benefit of Freeport and it's partners, and Freeport is very very camera shy.
Three years ago I discovered the secret about the 1962 New York Agreement, the true history of how and why the US government was manipulated into slavery of West Papua. In December 1960 Freeport director Robert Lovett purchased an introduction to the US President elect Kennedy (JFK), and recommended JFK hire Lovett's friend McGeorge Bundy to control the US National Security Council (NSC).

Australia is also guilty of being silent in 1962 when it knew the Agreement was illegal, knew the trade was a violation of the UN Charter and UN General Assembly resolution 1514 which Australia, the US and Indonesia had supported in 1960. West Papua is a colony, as defined by the UN in UN General Assembly resolution 1541; and Indonesia in accord with resolution 1514 must immediately withdraw all forces of repression (the TNI & BIN) to allow an act of self-determination in accord with resolution 1541.
And because Indonesia was already a member of the UN and it illegally transported a million foreigners to Papua ; decency demands that the Act of Self-Determination be in accord with article 18 of the New York Agreement : "The eligibility of all adults, male and female, not foreign nationals to participate in the act of self-determination to be carried out in accordance with international practice", i.e. Indonesian citizens are not allowed to vote in a West Papuan referendum, only the colonised Papuan people get to vote about their future & their nation.
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