The world including Papua New Guinea continues to be a complicit to this crime or absurd status quo by remaining silent against the desire of Papuan people to be free from Indonesian rule, domination and suppression.
West Papua was never part of Dutch East Indies when that colony was created by Holland or Netherlands in the 1600s. Neither was West Papua part of the Islamic and Hindu empires that existed prior to the creation of Dutch East Indies. Prior to colonial rule, West Papuans were like Papua New Guineans were nations of thousands of tribes who lived separately until European colonial contact.
West Papua was eventually colonised in 1887, some 200 years after the creation of East Indies who eventually became independent in 1949 as Indonesia after a war of Independence. West Papua remained a colony of Holland and was progressing to peaceful independence when it was invaded by Indonesia on the 26th of April 1962, some 14 years after the Indonesian
Prior to Invasion, West Papua had set up a legislative assembly or parliament and had adopted all the symbols of an Independent State including a national flag and a code of arms; national anthem, name of the country and the people. The biggest political Party in West Papua at that time had announced its declaration that West Papua was to become an independent republic by 1970.
We all know about the complete farce of 2nd August 1969 when only 1025 people were allowed to vote under the barrel of a gun in the so-called Act of Free Choice. It is one of the most despicable acts ever committed on any human race or group in the world. It did not meet any of the legal condition for exercise of self-determination as required by law at that time or since.
Indonesian claim to West Papua therefore has no legal, political, historical or moral basis. Indonesia knows this and continues to live in denial and promote the facade that West Papuan freely chose integration. What an insult to humanity and to our collective consciousness! That the world today continues to accept this.
It is a sad indictment against the whole of humanity including ourselves as humans, neighbors, Melanesians and Christians. As I write this article on the 1st of December 2009, I am just receiving reports from the Internet that the police and military have arrested the following persons in the suburb of Polimak in Jayapura for celebrating the 45th anniversary of West Papuan declaration of independence that falls on the 1st of December: Markus Yenu, Peter Hiyowati, Mrs Bless, Ham Yesnan, Matilda Maniani, John Kendi, Augus Ayamiseba, Mr Sopater Ayomi, Mr Akwan, Mr Yeruri.
Seven other students were being held by police at Abepura for the same reason, namely Minggus Manday, Glenn Ramanday, Nando Genuni, Arius Kogoya, Artemas Kabret, Jack Badii, and Simon Pakage. In Sorong, 600 people who were peacefully marching to commemorate the day were dispersed by military police.
Reports remain sketchy as phone lines in West Papua were cut during the day. Such is the agony and retardation of the West Papuan people. Their collective psychology and humanity being subject to continuous abuse, violence and intimation by a regime that claims to be democratic.
But alas, how many Melanesians out there are bold enough to take the moral high ground to even whisper a protest? How many people must die or unjustly imprisoned like Filep Karma and Yusak Pakage before the Christians in Papua New Guinea could murmur a word of protest against the Indonesian Government. Can Papua New Guinea claim to be a Melanesian and christian country while fellow Melanesians, Christians and humans continued to be subject of such abuse? Are we really free when our brothers and sisters are not free?
We all want a normal relationship between Indonesia and its people but as long as West Papuans are denied their right to self-determination, any relationship between our two people and country today is only based on false pretense. No Papua New Guinean, true to its culture as his belief as a christian can ignore West Papua no matter how much gloss or spin the two states give to the current relationship.
Both countries are living in denial. The sooner we admit and address this concern, the better the relationship will be between the two countries. Indonesia will never be a normal state in our region and among family of nations unless it releases itself of this historical blunder and moral dilemma.
My colleagues and I, Members of the International Parliamentarians for West Papua refuse to live in denial and be cowed by the myth of Indonesian invisibility and military power. We choose to speak even when all else will not because my conscience will not allow me to remain quiet. We refuse to lose our humanity even if we are faced with the perceived military might of Indonesia.
Source: Weekly Opinion: Post Courier - As I see it with NCD Governor, Powes Parkop (above, left).
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