Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let's look for opportunities

Britain’s kind gesture is appealing

THE agreement signed by the British and Papua New Guinea governments to allow young people from PNG to work in UK is very charismatic (Post-Courier, October 27).
Britain’s kind gesture towards PNG would pave the way for more vibrant bilateral relations between the two countries.
Not only will the agreement alleviate PNG’s unemployment rate for a short-term but would enhance young Papua New Guineans to be exposed to the outside world to experience and acquire skills and knowledge to develop PNG when the term expires.
On the same token, PNG should not beseech Australia and New Zealand for a similar gesture.
I don’t think PNG would receive a favourable answer from these so-called closest neighbours soon.
The motives of their decline are obvious, as Australian Prime Minister John Howard has said..
Among other things, Mr Howard said good “governance” is the key to install investor confident that would in turn create job opportunities.
If Mr Howard is correct, let us clean our backyard and at the same time focus on formulating a strategy to send our young people to UK.
After that approach is in place and works successfully in the UK, show proof of it to Australia and New Zealand about the outcomes.
I hope these two countries would have some leniency in our approaches.
Nevertheless, the approaches taken to send workers to UK will be welcomed in most of the rural areas who are educated and could not find formal employment.

David Ketepa Ulg
Michigan, US



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