Some things to think about :)
Certain practices in PNG should be buried and new ideas that are beneficial to the citizens and the rest of the population must be accepted.
Among them are:
"Big man" mentality* Your high educational qualification, popularity, wealth, financial success and class are only valid in certain circumstances and do not fully entitle you to gain power of speech, finance and authority;
* Your cultural belief and practices are only valued in your community, but now it is time for a wider community awareness and unification; and
* Your true value is what others see in you and not what you force to happen.Corruption at all levels* There is no shortcuts to success or power and recognition;* Have a moral standard in life to do right most of your life;
* Be an advocate and sacrifice to refrain from wrongdoings if pressured by others; and* Own up for your faults and wrongdoings.
Polygamy* Have one wife or husband if you are a Christian;* Women and men are emotional and spiritual beings (not objects), so treat each other with respect, honour and fairness, just as you wish to be respected; and
* Unfaithful and multiple sex partners result in diseases like HIV/AIDS and STIs.Greed* You are blessed with things that are sufficient for a day, so why want more?* Live within your means (do yourself justice) and learn to say "no" even to your friends and relatives as you just cannot please everyone; and
* Control your desire of covetousness – focus on your life, avoid borrowed time and money.Cult belief such as "handout"* Nothing in this world is free!*
Stop wishing and dreaming that free handouts, money and material things will come from powerful people or organisations;
* Use the God-given power of your body to work, either on the land to grow food crops or if you have the knowledge and skills, find employment opportunities; and
* Learn to labour and do it with perseverance and commitment.Earn your living through hard work and honesty* Be God-fearing in all things!
* Fear the law of the land and be obedient;* Work diligently at your job following rules, regulations and policies of firms and statutory bodies;* Correct others and refrain from participation of wrongdoings – you will be the better person; and
* For your hard work and integrity, comes a true reward – not penalties.Accept losses and defeat* Learn to accept losses and defeat either in competitions and elections – the winners need to be praised, again it is only fair and legitimate;
* You represent others and it is not an individual pursuit for glory;
* There is always another chance if not a couple more; and* On reasons of principality, maybe you are not ready or the right person.
Labels: Articles by D. Ketepa