Seeking medical equipment (donations) for rural aidposts in Papua New Guinea
In the Land Down Under (Australia), there is a patriotic Papua New Guinea who has a burning desire and a big heart for the grassroots people living in the remote areas of Papua New Guinea. To show his love for the people, he needs some assistance or donations of medical equipment to use during his break in Papua New Guinea starting next year.
A young pregnant mother gave birth to her first child along the side of the road leading to a nearby hospital. She was assisted by a group of bystanders using a makeshift shelter infront of curious onlookers
Here is what he says, My name is Luke Anthony and I am from Wabag, in the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea. I am a Surgeon working in Darwin, Australia but I will be in Mendi General Hospital starting in January, 2010.
I am very impressed with what you are doing on your blog (KANGE NGA KONA).
There is heaps of information on the site which is very impressive and helpful for many Papua New Guineans and foreigners alike. Thank you for doing that and I hope more Papua New Guineans can do more to promote Papua New Guinea to the world.
I support your opinions on how the economy is currently run, politics, and most importantly speaking on behalf of our voiceless, especially in the remote parts of our country (PNG). As a person in the health profession, I wish to emphasis on the health of this nation especially curative health. A new Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan/CT Scan) machine was recently purchased to relieve doctors and nurses off their workload at the Port Moresby General Hospital (POMGH)
There is more we can do. People are dying every day of potentially curative disease in the remote parts of Papua New Guinea. I wish to link up with any hospitals for donation of used or outdated consumable, surgical instruments, suture materials etc.
I think Mr. Anthony would appreciate if any hospital or health organization around the world wish to help this energetic young man to carry out his mission in some of the remote parts of Papua New Guinea. You can email Luke Anthony at or leave a message on the blog. For questions or comments, email me
Thanks a bunch for your help!
Labels: Help the Needy