Somare, a Sepik River god?
As far as infrastructure developments in Papua New Guinea are concerned, Somare has done nothing positive during his forty-plus years in his political career and to say that he will remain in power till 2012 is like adding fuel to the fire that is already burning among many Papua New Guineas who have seen his government crippled with scandals, corruption, and major allegations to name a few.
Political observers see that this man is ruining the country at the expenses of the ordinary Papua New Guineans and therefore; he needs to leave the leadership to some new guy who has the vision and heart for the country and it's people. It seems that he is power hungry and wants to cling onto power as if it's his birth right.
Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister, Michael Somare - the man who will do anything to cling onto power till 2012
Somare then goes to dismiss the Papua New Guinea Parliament to prevent a vote of 'no confidence' from going ahead. If the Prime Minister doesn't agree to this process, then under the Westminster system, he is now effectively a dictator in charge of the country and therefore a similar situation exists in Papua New Guinea to that in Fiji at the moment. That aspect should be communicated to everyone in the world's media.
Papua New Guinea is cheaply becoming a Somare family's business firm and I hate to see Papua New Guineans becoming mare spectators. Get that man out of politics now and for good. Every thinking Papua New Guinean should stand together and collectively voice their stance on the political developments affecting Papua New Guinea and her six million people.
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