Peaceful protests are needed to gauge our pleas

It seems that those who cling onto power as their birth right wouldn't let people express their thoughts and feelings and the government acted above the laws of the land and at times their actions depicts to the majority of the people that there are no laws. If there were, those in government were the only people to manipulate the system as well as the constitution while the rest down the line simply adhere to the nonsense they preach to us.
The government shouldn't meddle with the Constitution to suit it's needs. Each one of us should be abide by our laws and do what is enacted in the Constitution. If there aren't going to be peaceful protests for people to gauge their concerns about what's happening in Papua New Guinea, then it's tyranny! We need to get rid of this kind of government because it only serves those who are rich and know how to steal money from the people's coffers.
Will we continue to live under a government who plunders and manipulates the highest laws to those have vast and hidden agendas and silence us when we what to speak against it? Or are we going to take it to the next level to find other means to silence the government from it's corrupt practices? What's the next step, fellow Papua New Guineans?
Labels: Papua New Guinea