The Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into Asian riots in Papua New Guinea

It may sound absurd implicating some multinational corporations in Papua New Guinea but it is the truth and they are not acting alone. They (foreign firms and individuals) collaborate swiftly with national leaders and government bureaucrats and public institutions to covert their operations. The Parliamentary Committee Inquiry into the Anti-Asian riots have just revealed some staggering corrupt practices in Papua New Guinea involving government officials and ordinary citizens.
Evidently, the Asians are not alone in all these illicit activities. Drug and human trafficking including money laundering in Papua New Guinea includes other Pacific Island States have their safe havens on the streets and at high offices in Waigani. The so-called leaders who swore to uphold our constitution are the worse perpetrators of these crimes, however; their involvement is too official to be tagged illegal.
Given the vulnerability of our Police force fueled by corruption in the department and deteriorating living standards, which already demoralized the Papua New Guinea police personnel, we cannot allow these illegal activities to continue to plunder our resources and make Papua New Guineans mere spectators on their own land. A few Papua New Guineans and Asian racketeering activities only expose us (PNG) to more manipulation and control by the few who have evil agendas.
All thinking Papua New Guineans must take responsibility of what is ours and formulate mechanisms to solve our own problems in our own ways. Keeping Papua New Guinea safe from outside intruders is every citizen's responsibility and not just a few individuals and the police force. Some of these illegal practices are condone by the communities and the public at large, simply because it provides their basic daily needs.
Its true foreigners are the perpetrators but what are we doing to combat it? We all have a part to play in combating illicit crime in Papua New Guinea. How many more riots and scandals must be created before all relevant state agencies take appropriate action? While these controversies remain unresolved, this scandal-plagued government continues as if all is well. The Prime Minister must be held totally responsible for dragging the Papua New Guinea’s reputation down to its lowest form.
The Prime Minister must be made to answer for his actions and inaction. All members in government should pose serious questions as to why they should continue supporting a government that is tainted with scandals and draft new laws and add more teeth to existing immigration laws to prevent illegal entry into Papua New Guinea.Papua New Guinea’s law-enforcing agencies including the Police Force, Ombudsman Commission, Public Prosecutor and Judiciary are duty bound to perform their constitutionally mandated duties and responsibilities in Papua New Guinea’s national interest.
From my perspective, there will come a time when the people of Papua New Guinea will look back and see how Papua New Guinea was "sold out" by its own people.I'm not sure the Papua New Guinea Government can solve this (not the current one anyway) as they seem totally obsessed with "extraction" no matter what the costs. In fact our very own leaders invite the "extractors" into Papua New Guinea. And only a few benefit - least of all the majorities who live in the villages themselves.
Classic examples of lustful and cunning behaviors portrayed by many of our leaders are evident in numerous Memorandum of Agreement (MOA's) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU's). All of these are farce and make a mockery of the rural folks where major resources are found only to be exploited by foreigners and leave them low and dry.For those who are at the helm by controlling the nation’s affairs and that of her six million people, one thing is for certain.
The office of the Prime Minister, the Government of Papua New Guinea, the National Parliament and the Constitution of Papua New Guinea belongs to the people of Papua New Guinea — not one individual, family, clan, ethnic group, business or group.I have been vocal on critical issues affecting Papua New Guinea using the editorial in the papers and I will reiterate that: "There was a time when the chiefs could be trusted but that time has long since gone". The sad thing (and my prediction)... in 2012 - we will see a different set of faces but exactly the same agendas. Future Papua New Guinea politicians are just waiting for their turn to get hold of the goose that laid the golden egg.
To my fellow, Papua New Guineans, whether you are a subsistence farmer, a fisherman, a Public Motor Vehicle operator, a local trader, a youth leader, a community leader, a policeman or woman, a soldier, a correctional officer, a teacher, a doctor or nurse, a lawyer, an academic, a simple public servant, a lay pastor or a dweller of the fringes of the cities, whoever you are, whatever you are.
Now is the time, a time for reckoning, a time for the suffering six million majority of Papua New Guineans to arise and challenge the plundering minorities who dwells at the dark corners at the expense of the disfranchised and the marginalized. We must all rise and rally behind our like minded Papua New Guineans and say: Enough is enough!
Labels: Corruption in PNG