Visionary leadership style is vital
Perhaps, the people who have given the mandate to our elected leaders both national and provincial want something different: concrete, tangible, and money spent wisely for good causes. Most people say, actions speak louder than words. However, since the 2007 National Elections, people now know who their true leaders are by judging the actions and how their Electoral Development Fund (EDF) and monies associated with it is being spent.
There are some who hang around the corridor doors of Waigani for five years and only return to their roots just to convince most of our illiterate folks at home to vote them. Others, within the five years, do really want to put other's interests ahead of theirs to help others by delivering the much needed goods and services to their electorates.
Almost daily, some of our leaders are making big headlines in the papers for just stealing from the government coffers under the pretext of service ultimately leading to "lip service." There is one leader who is doing enormously well so far putting the money where it's mouth is and that is, the Governor of NCD, Honorable Powes Parkop, LLB LLM MP. Answering questions and listening to pleas to those whom he represents and taking time off during his busy schedule to even respond to editorials in the papers about issues concerning NCDC and the city of Port Moresby.I am not even affiliated to the governor either by politics nor do I have any connections with him but the way I saw the city of Port Moresby in November last year was magnificent. Mr. Parkop has done so many things for the people in our biggest city within his short stint. Some of the notable events among the many are; ceased bogus claims within NCDC, appointed people on merit at NCDC, stopped NEC from manipulating with NCDC's finances, bought school buses for city school children, trying to impose a total ban on selling bettlenuts in public places, and the general beautification of the city of Port Moresby.

These are signs of true leadership - a leader with vision and capabilities to stick to it without being feared or intimidated. Mr. Parkop has three more years before his term expires but I think that he had made some good friends and foes for the name of development to occur in our largest city.
To the inhabitants of the city of Port Moresby be mindful that Mr. Parkop cannot do it alone and therefore, he needs our support to carry out some of these initiatives. Try to respect the laws in the city and we'll gradually change the face of Port Moresby City from "most fearful city to live in" to most welcoming and peaceful to live in."
If you can't adhere to the rules and regulations set by the City of Port Moresby, you should take note that, we've a freedom of 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE' is there. ''If you aren't happy in Port Moresby then leave to go to your home cities/towns. We didn't force you to come to Port Moresby. You asked to be here. So accept the city you accepted.
Labels: Articles by D. Ketepa