I am delgihted that I can share this information with those who are interested in studying aboard as this kind of information rarely comes by in PNG's context. As long as I am here, I'll try my best to help any PNGean in ways I can. For now, I want you to look at different American universities and colleges which offer masters degrees. Click onto this link: http://www.euroeducation.net/us/us.htm and you'll find all the information you need. Email/write directly and explain your interest to them. Ask also for international student scholarships. I am sure that they offer alot of scholarships too and they will also give you the procedures to follow to be qualified for the scholarship. The above link also have all the universities from different states. Send email to all the different universities directly for the information.
The next thing is, if you're a Lutheran go to the Lutheran Chruch where you worship and ask the pastor for a Lutheran International Student Scholarship application form (I don't know much about other churches and their scholarship guidelines)but if they are the same as the Lutherans, approach them and show your desire in studying aboard. When you fill the application, send it to Lutheran Chruch head office in Ampo Lae. P. O. Box 80 MP. Ask them to recomend you to a scholarship in the US. There are three Lutheran Churches in Papua New Guinea that can help you. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG), Gutnius Lutheran of Papua New Guinea (GLC-PNG) and the Melpa Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea (MLC-PNG) My understanding is, you don't have to be a Lutheran to apply for scholarships but if you ask kindly for these churches for assistance, I think they might consider you too. I hope the churches will help you. There are tons and tons of scholarships offered by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and other churches here in America but the problem is that your application should be endorsed by a Lutheran World Federation member church in PNG...either the ELC-PNG, Gutnius Lutheran Church in Wabag or the Catholic Church before the American Lutheran Church headquarters in Chicago or other churches in America gives you a full scholarship that covers everything. My wantoks, the problem we have with the churches in PNG is that there are alot of politics within the churches so as the government that hinders the spread of the gospel of the Lord. I hope and pray that our church leaders in PNG put their differences aside to win souls for the Lord. I am praying each and every day that our good Lord will give me the strength and opportunity to help other members of the God's family to come this far to gain the skills and knowledge to extend God's kingdom to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.
For more information, contact me.
Labels: Studying in the USA