The passing of my dad

It was 10:25 pm (US Time) Saturday 14th March 2009 when I got a call from my brother in Papua New Guinea that my dad had died. I just met and talked to him just four months ago and even talked to him on Saturday before his death on Sunday (PNG Time). I was so devastated of his death.
My dad is a warm hearted, loving, caring, humble, and a kind man whom the whole community had admired for mostly of his humility. He hates gossip, violence, land disputes, and arguments of any sort. He always like to be in the forefront of solving problems as well as giving contributions to worthy causes for the betterment of the community. And above all, he loves 'education' that he spent so much of his time and resources to find enough money to send all of us to school.
I had only talked to him on the phone before he died. We talked about many things and I finally thanked him for his tireless efforts in putting me and all my siblings to school. Before I hung the phone, he said; "You know I love you and wanted you the best so now you're enjoying your life. I am leaving the responsibility on you to continue to support your siblings in school so that they too can live a good life. I will always look down on you guys smiling when you harvest the fruits of your labor in education. I am glad that you came home last year and saw me and even you talk to me nearly everyday after you left us. Therefore, don't come home for the funeral but continue on what you're doing there and keep the mother and the kids in your prayers." I said; I will and I hung up the phone.
Thanks dad! I will miss you but thank you so much for investing in us. For this very reason, I will always remember you from the bottom of my heart. Kond tekem, Papa, kanda pui o.. RIP.
Jika angan kang,
There is time for happiness and sorrow. Bro this moment is of course he sadest moment for Ketepas as your father just passed away. It was really sad to hear the news that you dad passesd away untimingly at the hospital. I had to sacrifice my job for the day and had to attend the funeral as I felt he is the father to us all. It is also logic for you not to come over as you are into intensive studies for your masters so as expensive for your trip. I have asked the two boys; Sol and Jon to come back to school next week. Please keep in touch. Thank you and regards from cold ples, Mt Hagen, PNG.
Very sorry,it's a heart breaking thing especially when we are miles and miles away.I was informed late in the afternoon.Bro,you are miles and miles away so don't think too much,all of us here hope and pray that may the good Lord will keep you company,give you mercy and be with you in this time of sorrow.
Dear David,
I read about your fathers death on pnginusa. I'm very sorry about it na bel stap wantaim you. I'll pray for you and I hope Bikman comforts you.
Jika ana e,
I relayed the sad news to Paul Kuri and family at East Borokoyesterday afternoon and they are very sorry. They said they are passingtheir condolences to you and pray that God will comfort you in this timeof bereavement and we share our thoughts with you. We are indeed are verysorry for the long distance you are, in another mans world. Paul said ifhe was in Hagen he would have gone to the House cry.
Paul said, we do notrealise how much very small people contribute to the society, Late Ketepa,thought not many people know him, he has a son who has prospered amongstthe educated elites of WHP and made it US and is a citizen and that is agreat achievement for the late father.
Late Ketepa passed away today andwill no more be seen, but his mother given name Ketepa Ulg shall live inanother mans world and PNG shall know it and thats a blessing from God andwe shall be thnakful and be proud of it. Jika ana eh our prayers are with you today. May the great God comfort youin his own ways today.
Kange David,
Words cannot express my deepest sympathy for your loss.Mi beten na prai long yu lo displa hatpela taim. I saw the news posted on the pnginusa and wanted to personallyemail you and let you know i was thinking about you and your family.God is always in control and we have to trust him more and more.May The the Holy Spirit comfort you and give you peaceat this time of bel hevi.
Sorry bro,
I've witnessed myself that father had passed away yestreday. I am very sorry and pass my sincere condolences to you and Michelle. With my family as well we all share the grive of the ultimate passing of papa and pray that God will comfort the immediate famailes who are mouring and specially to you and Michelle. "God please Comfort David and Michelle", that will be my only pray point.
Hi Bro,
I am sorry I have some bad news this time. I was advised yesterday afternoon that the old man passed away on Sunday morning. The boys tried contacting you by phone but could not get thru. I have sent word that Cathy and I cannot make it for the funeral because of church commitments. This week we have several meetings right up to Saturday night. I will send some money only.We are sorry and pass our condolences.
I am sorry I have some bad news this time. I was advised yesterday afternoon that the old man passed away on Sunday morning. The boys tried contacting you by phone but could not get thru. I have sent word that Cathy and I cannot make it for the funeral because of church commitments. This week we have several meetings right up to Saturday night. I will send some money only.We are sorry and pass our condolences.
Aiyo barata blo mi...
sori tru..honest hat long toktok..bel na tingting blo mi em stap wantaim yu.
Hi David,
Kange sorry to hear that your dad passed away. Our thought and prayers will be with you. What are you planning to do? Are you going home? Be in touch. The scripture verse that I can leave with you is John 11:35. If we have him we will have life even after death.
Your brother and pastor.
I'm very sorry for the sad news. I tried calling home to get more information for his death but the phone is on voice mail and I can't get through. Anywhere, mundmong I'm thinking of geting a day off laik wok half belo tasol na go sindaun long house long respectim death bilong em. I want to encouridge you that no can tingting planti, nogut em disturbim studies bilong yu. God em yet i kisim laip bilong em back so yumi tok tankyu long papa god long wanem samting Ulg i bin hat wok na lukatim mipela gut kam inap nau na em lusim mipela nau. Mi gat bikpela bel sori long wanem, last time mi ring long house taim em bin sik. Em slip tasol long bed na tok olsem long mi. Peng o mi ting yu lusim mi na go pinis tasol yu stap long wanem hap na u ring ya! Why na u bakrim bel bilong mi na u ring na mekim mi wari ya! Sapos yu stap long hear ating bai u kisim mi go long housik tasol u stap longwe na mi harim voice bilong u na mi hamas. Em tok wanem hap u stap bikpela bai blesim u long wanem samting u mekim. Lewa mi tingim dispela hap toktok em bin toktok long mi na eye wara kapsait long laik bilong em. Mi tok save tasol olsem bai mi toksave long bos bilong mi na bai mi wok half belo na bai mi go long house long soim respect long death bilong peng Ulg. I prayed that our hevenly father will be with you and give you more strenght and energy in whatever things you are doing there for Ulg's death. No ken tingting planti bekos em bikman em yet i kisim laip bilong em bek so be as normal and get some days off to show your only beloved father's death. I'm still tinging of you with pray. That's all and may our hevenly father will be with you.
Jika eh,
I am very sorry for the loss. I didnt hear this sad news, I was at nine mile over the weekend attendingto a house cry of a Jika Milakamb men (Richard kalimnba) Jika ana eh, very sorry at this moment of loss. The good Lord giveth andtaketh had taken the father.
I pray that the good Lord will confort youand your family in this time of bereavement in a faraway land. Ana eh, Ishare with you your sorrows, and your agony, in another mans world, mybrother I feel for you. I pray that God will comfort you. Ana eh wamp elepa kona ila moron i ka kond enem.
I heard that as well. Very sorry. I will think of you and your family there and in minimp as well in my prayers. May lord our God comfort you during this time of sadness
I heard that as well. Very sorry. I will think of you and your family there and in minimp as well in my prayers. May lord our God comfort you during this time of sadness
I am very sorry, I had a same situation like yours when I was there at Pabrabuk and I know what is like. Gidisa family are with you in our prayers as always. We are not there to show you our sorrow or (bel sore pasin)in physical but in spirituality sense my family and I are with you. Our hearts and prayers are with you. May our good Lord lead, guide, and watch over you peacefully.
With you in prayers,
My heart felt and sincere condolence to you & family at this time of sorrow. I know how it feels to loose a loved one and I'm with you in my thoughts and prayers at this time of adversity. I pray that the lord will give you peace & strength at this time.
Samuel Sten, Student, Iowa, USA
My heart felt and sincere condolence to you & family at this time of sorrow. I know how it feels to loose a loved one and I'm with you in my thoughts and prayers at this time of adversity. I pray that the lord will give you peace & strength at this time.
Samuel Sten, Student, Iowa, USA
Brother David.
I just read on your blog about the sad news. I feel for you and the family. Being far from home is devastating when such news is received. At this moment, I will have you and your family in my prayer. Bro, God shall take reign in you and family in this moment of sorrow.God alone gives and takes. This is His work. We can only praise and worship Him. As you know, I lost my mum when I was in China and it was indeed devastating. I can imagine the situation you are in right now. nanga ana oh, kondo tekem, plis. God shall comfort you and family. Manda oh molkon kai ti oh, andi yambo tenga kola kini!
God bless
The passing of a loved one is always a painfil experience. may he rest in peace. Continue to keep faith in the Lord. We can find strenght and reassuarnace from him.
Dear Bro,
It is indeed sad to learn the tragedy and the moments you are goingthrough at the moment in your family. Bro, I know how things are like whenyou are far away. Bro, accept my condolences for this sad moment in yourlife and may the Lord Almighty God strengthen you during this period ofmourning.
I sincerely thank you for having the courage to write to me.
Labels: Family