Powes says " I am ready if the people want me"
The current leadership in Papua New Guinea needs to be altered so that corrupt and deceitful ways needs to be minimized. The country has had enough of suffering at the hands of greedy pot-bellied courrupt politicians for too long. Coming out of their comfort zones to speak against corruption and rally behind likeminded leaders to lead us in the next five years after 2012 is Mr. Chris Koma and Eric Alom.
These two young men who care less about what they do, spend time and their tireless efforts going out of their own ways to ask people to support leaders who show signs of good leadership. They are among so many Papua New Guineans who are so concerned about how Papua New Guinea is governed by so called leaders in all levels of government.
Therefore, Mr. Koma and Alom approached the governor of National Capital District, Mr. Powes Parkop, if he has any interest in the country's top post to lead us into the next five years after 2012. Since taking office in 2007, Parkop has changed the image of the nation's capital (Port Moresby) and continue to let his actions speak for him.
Below is a positive responsive from Mr. Parkop when the two gentlemen asked his intentions come 2012.

1. My only ambition in politics is to make a difference for our nation and our people, especially for our yong people and the generations who are yet to come as their future we hold in our hand.
2. I am not in politics for the power, glory, perks and privilege etc. I am here to make a differerence and that is all that matters.
3. Our nation has been so blessed with abundance of resources that has given us the ability to transfor the life of our people and the generation yet to come but we are squandering it all very quickly due to poor leadership, mismanagement, outright stealing and poor decisions. At the end of the day, a nation rise and fall on the quality of its leadership and that is our biggest challenge up to now.
4. Personally I am ready to play any role that our people wants me to play. I am ready for anything or any challenge but its up to our people. I am not power hungry or over ambitious. I try to take one step at a time, do my best where I am and leave the rest to our people to decide.
So you can assure all our citizens and non citizens alike who are in that network that I am more than ready for any role that our people so decides that I could play or should play. I am passing through history just like all of us and I am determine to do my best in whatever role or position our people so decide I can or should play.
We now know the man has spoken. It is our turn to turn the heat on and get the momentum going. " we will see light at the end of the tunnel if we believe and start acting"
God Bless PNG!
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