Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dumbstruck media? Or a conspiracy of silence?‏

Colin who touched some lives in Papua New Guinea during his six years there asks why Australian media is so numb in reporting political crisis in Papua New Guinea when he reads a brief report on Keith Jackson's PNG Attitue.

Good report he says, but who is going to take a scrap of notice? I would have thought that the Opposition here in Australia would have by now highlighted all this. Maybe they don't even know where PNG is or for that matter who is Somare? Further why is there no any Australian press coverage?

After all they are our closest neighbours and we were the, (not now to be used), the mandated country to "deliver the goods". If Somare has learnt any lessons, they are coming out of the mouths of the despots of South Africa.I just hope and pray, well you can't do anything else for the Papua New Guineans, but pray!

I hope that in this upcoming Pacific forum to be held in Cairns that Rudd rips threads off Somare - do something positive or no more "loot": eg: Asking Somare ( he gets no Sir from me) show me your Cairns properties? However, Rudd with NZ ( support ?), must turn the screws on Somare and his bloody clique or then the winner is Chinese Malaysians.

If I recall correctly the Malaysian Government has over the years had problems with these people and probably would be glad to get rid of them to PNG? Didn't Paul Keating refer to a PM of Malayasia as "recalcitrant" - love him or hate him, I think Paul was right on that one. Similar to Malcolm Fraser's quote - "Life wasn't meant to be easy".

Well for the people of PNG - Malcolm unknowingly was 100% correct. I show these reports to friends - the response is NIL - who cares! A bit upsetting for me after joining PNGAA and hoping for better things - six years wasted ( my time in the Morobe District)! Colin now lives in Australia.

*** I think the Australian media is trying to report important matters relating to Australia rather than report matters on Papua New Guinea where they know nothing about or if they do they probably know little about reporting. Each day, corruption is getting worse and worse in Papua New Guinea and it hurts to report the truth and therefore, most reporters (foreign) are scared of reporting the truth which might result deportation or law suits.



Dumbstruck media? Or a conspiracy of silence?‏

Colin who touched some lives in Papua New Guinea during his six years there asks why Australian media is so numb in reporting political crisis in Papua New Guinea when he reads a brief report on Keith Jackson's PNG Attitue.

Good report he says, but who is going to take a scrap of notice? I would have thought that the Opposition here in Australia would have by now highlighted all this. Maybe they don't even know where PNG is or for that matter who is Somare? Further why is there no any Australian press coverage?

After all they are our closest neighbours and we were the, (not now to be used), the mandated country to "deliver the goods". If Somare has learnt any lessons, they are coming out of the mouths of the despots of South Africa.I just hope and pray, well you can't do anything else for the Papua New Guineans, but pray!

I hope that in this upcoming Pacific forum to be held in Cairns that Rudd rips threads off Somare - do something positive or no more "loot": eg: Asking Somare ( he gets no Sir from me) show me your Cairns properties? However, Rudd with NZ ( support ?), must turn the screws on Somare and his bloody clique or then the winner is Chinese Malaysians.

If I recall correctly the Malaysian Government has over the years had problems with these people and probably would be glad to get rid of them to PNG? Didn't Paul Keating refer to a PM of Malayasia as "recalcitrant" - love him or hate him, I think Paul was right on that one. Similar to Malcolm Fraser's quote - "Life wasn't meant to be easy".

Well for the people of PNG - Malcolm unknowingly was 100% correct. I show these reports to friends - the response is NIL - who cares! A bit upsetting for me after joining PNGAA and hoping for better things - six years wasted ( my time in the Morobe District)! Colin now lives in Australia.

*** I think the Australian media is trying to report important matters relating to Australia rather than report matters on Papua New Guinea where they know nothing about or if they do they probably know little about reporting. Each day, corruption is getting worse and worse in Papua New Guinea and it hurts to report the truth and therefore, most reporters (foreign) are scared of reporting the truth which might result deportation or law suits.



Dumbstruck media? Or a conspiracy of silence?‏

Colin who touched some lives in Papua New Guinea during his six years there asks why Australian media is so numb in reporting political crisis in Papua New Guinea when he reads a brief report on Keith Jackson's PNG Attitue.

Good report he says, but who is going to take a scrap of notice? I would have thought that the Opposition here in Australia would have by now highlighted all this. Maybe they don't even know where PNG is or for that matter who is Somare? Further why is there no any Australian press coverage?

After all they are our closest neighbours and we were the, (not now to be used), the mandated country to "deliver the goods". If Somare has learnt any lessons, they are coming out of the mouths of the despots of South Africa.I just hope and pray, well you can't do anything else for the Papua New Guineans, but pray!

I hope that in this upcoming Pacific forum to be held in Cairns that Rudd rips threads off Somare - do something positive or no more "loot": eg: Asking Somare ( he gets no Sir from me) show me your Cairns properties? However, Rudd with NZ ( support ?), must turn the screws on Somare and his bloody clique or then the winner is Chinese Malaysians.

If I recall correctly the Malaysian Government has over the years had problems with these people and probably would be glad to get rid of them to PNG? Didn't Paul Keating refer to a PM of Malayasia as "recalcitrant" - love him or hate him, I think Paul was right on that one. Similar to Malcolm Fraser's quote - "Life wasn't meant to be easy".

Well for the people of PNG - Malcolm unknowingly was 100% correct. I show these reports to friends - the response is NIL - who cares! A bit upsetting for me after joining PNGAA and hoping for better things - six years wasted ( my time in the Morobe District)! Colin now lives in Australia.

*** I think the Australian media is trying to report important matters relating to Australia rather than report matters on Papua New Guinea where they know nothing about or if they do they probably know little about reporting. Each day, corruption is getting worse and worse in Papua New Guinea and it hurts to report the truth and therefore, most reporters (foreign) are scared of reporting the truth which might result deportation or law suits.

