All Asian-Owned Cottage Businesses Must CeaseDateline 31 December 2009. In line with the Papua New Guinea Parliamentary Bipartisan committee findings, and with the support of all National NGOs, International NGOs, Prominent Papua New Guineans, the Melanesian Spearhead Group of Nations, Other Pacific Island Nations and above all, with the full support of all ordinary grassroots of Papua New Guinea, All Asian owned Cottage Business like Takka Shops around the country must ceaseby 31 December 2009. The above dateline set by the grassroots of Papua New Guinea and fully supported by all those against Anti-Asian infiltration. Any Asianowned shops, whether they are Chinese, Malaysian, Philippines, Indians, must and will come to a total stop by 31 December 2009. Thisis not a petition to the National Government or the Asians. It's asimple instruction with a due date which is 31 December 2009. No more excuses, no more false promises.
The findings of the Parliamentary bipartisan clearly spelt out the facts of the findings. Now the government is sitting on the fence, disputing the facts presented by the committee itself set to uncover the truth behind the people's furyagainst Asian inflation. Papua New Guineans will take it on the street again and make a more formal, lasting impact on the streets of PNG like the one that happened in Honiara. The government is too sympathetic and has failed the people of PNG. Everyone seems to be apologizing for what has happened and none of the so called leaders seem to understand how the inflow of illegal Asians are stealing business opportunities and jobs from helpless PNGans. It's costing the country simple store-keeper jobs and denying the privilege of simple PNGans owning these businesses. Competition among the Asians themselves has left not a chance for would-be PNGans. One just simply needs to walk down the street corner stores at Gerehu, Erima, Kundiawa Town, Kiunga, Lae Market stores, Rabaul Town, Alotau, Madang, you name the rest! In every one of these locations, you will see a takka box store being managed by three to four odd looking Asians who cant even speak proper pidgin, let alone English! What the hell is happening with the laws of this country? Majority of the politicians seem to dig into the Asian pockets. Whether directly or indirectly, from Takka Shop owners to big investment giants like RH and Ramu Nickel, the corrupt government is already trapped in most of these deals. Even these big so-called Asian investment giants are the very ones bringing in rural, untrained Asians under perverted titles such as 'engineer, manager, accountant,ect' and dumping them in trade-stores and kaibars, and in return paying instalments to the big giants for illegally bringing them into the country! The country does not belong these so-called big investors nor their corrupt politicians to sell it cheaply at the cost of ordinary and helpless Papua New Guinean lives, costing their very jobs, businesses and putting them on the streets! If the very government which is elected to protect the very rights they arecheaply trading for personal gain, the people must act! If the formal processes in place that are supposed to be enforced and promoted bythe government are not working, the people must do it the informal way. Enough is enough! Not only taking away our jobs and business opportunities but from illegal gambling to prostitution and Asian Mafia, this country isbeing truly corrupted by Asians. Come LNG project and when it goes into full scale, illegal businesses in this country will flare like bush fire! These crooked Asians are good at promoting gambling and prostitution. They have already started importing Asian woman to work as prostitutes. Our own mothers and sisters are being lured into these filthy illegal business hype which Asians only know best to prosper. Look at our very politicians! They are making deals everywhere, with hands fully spread under the table grabbing every opportunity for personal greed! Right now, some of them are sitting on the fence worried about how the bipartisan team findings are going to affect their hidden interests!
Our politicians are selling this country and its resources at cheap prices. No real tangible economic benefits. Tax monies and royalties are being spent left, right and centre by cronies and their close counterparts, majority of it on unfounded claims. If that's not enough, the so called politicians are now letting our simple jobs and simple businesses being stolen right from our very hands! In every government business deal and payout, from tea boy upto the Prime Minister himself, everyone who has a part to play is benefiting while the true benefactor is left with a minimum net. He or she spends more than 30% of the business deal or payout on the corrupt system! From the very Justice Minister to all the reputable politicians, when it comes to a payout, everyone wants a part of it for simply doing their mandated jobs! Enough is enough! At least the people will act to get one piece of the problem addressed by rule of natural justice, fairness and equality! The rule of the grassroots will be this and very clear: No more Asians owning Cottage Businesses in PNG by 31 December 2009. Or otherwise, we will celebrate 2010 New Year's Eve with bon-fires of all Asian-owned Takka Shops in flames all around the country. That will be the solution. Forget the government. If they can't do it, we will do itourselves! No need to buy candle sticks on New Years Eve. "We can afford to destroy what we can take back and own ourselves but we cannot let what is rightfully ours be stolen from us permanently!" Remember, DATELINE IS 31 DECEMBER 2009! GRASSROOTS WILL ACT! EM MIPLA TOK! EM COUNTRY BLO YUMI! SIMPLY SET THE WHOLE NATION ON FIRE! HONIARA DID IT! WE CAN DO IT IN PNG!
Supported by: -- National Bipartisan Committee set to investigate the Anti-Asian Riot
- All National Non Government Organizations with the support ofInternational Human Rights Organizations
- Fully supported by prominent and patriotic PNG Nationals againstAsian infiltration and corruption spreading throughout the country.
- Fully supported by South Pacific Island countries against Asiantransnational crimes and illegal businesses.
Labels: PNG News