Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sorcery killings portray an ugly image for Papua New Guinea

Basing on the article in the Post Courier (Tortured and Killed – 09/07/009), I would like to support the appeal made by the provincial police chief superintendent, Joshep Tondop regarding the sorcery-related murders in Chimbu Province. Every time in our daily newspapers, we read of people being tortured and killed by people because they belief that those people they torture and kill seem to practice sorcery.

We hear of people being burnt alive, amputating their limbs while they were still alive just to give them severe punishment, drilling their bodies with some sort of hot substances like wires, screw drivers, knives, or anything that will harm the people who were suspected of practicing sorcery. Well people must reap what they sow but there must be proper procedures followed to punish them.

Even after having abundant evidences and finding out that the suspects were actually practicing sorcery; people must not go ahead torturing and killing them to show their strength as if they are acting out a horrendous movie.

I think that those people who go ahead and torture and kill the suspects of sorcery haven’t heard of Law and Order in this country for the last thirty four years from now and I think that they are the ones who contribute in the accelerating Law and Order problems our country is having now.

I strongly appeal to Superintendent Joshep Tondop and his men to implement an immediate investigation over those people involved in the killings of the suspects and they will face the full consequences of taking the law into their own hands.

And one thing PNG is a Christian country so we must act what we proclaim to be and please let us apply some ethical principles in our daily lives. Remember,” Rome was not built in a day.”

Ripson Mura - Madang

- Mura is a student at the Divine Word University in Madang, PNG.



Sorcery killings portray an ugly image for Papua New Guinea

Basing on the article in the Post Courier (Tortured and Killed – 09/07/009), I would like to support the appeal made by the provincial police chief superintendent, Joshep Tondop regarding the sorcery-related murders in Chimbu Province. Every time in our daily newspapers, we read of people being tortured and killed by people because they belief that those people they torture and kill seem to practice sorcery.

We hear of people being burnt alive, amputating their limbs while they were still alive just to give them severe punishment, drilling their bodies with some sort of hot substances like wires, screw drivers, knives, or anything that will harm the people who were suspected of practicing sorcery. Well people must reap what they sow but there must be proper procedures followed to punish them.

Even after having abundant evidences and finding out that the suspects were actually practicing sorcery; people must not go ahead torturing and killing them to show their strength as if they are acting out a horrendous movie.

I think that those people who go ahead and torture and kill the suspects of sorcery haven’t heard of Law and Order in this country for the last thirty four years from now and I think that they are the ones who contribute in the accelerating Law and Order problems our country is having now.

I strongly appeal to Superintendent Joshep Tondop and his men to implement an immediate investigation over those people involved in the killings of the suspects and they will face the full consequences of taking the law into their own hands.

And one thing PNG is a Christian country so we must act what we proclaim to be and please let us apply some ethical principles in our daily lives. Remember,” Rome was not built in a day.”

Ripson Mura - Madang

- Mura is a student at the Divine Word University in Madang, PNG.



Sorcery killings portray an ugly image for Papua New Guinea

Basing on the article in the Post Courier (Tortured and Killed – 09/07/009), I would like to support the appeal made by the provincial police chief superintendent, Joshep Tondop regarding the sorcery-related murders in Chimbu Province. Every time in our daily newspapers, we read of people being tortured and killed by people because they belief that those people they torture and kill seem to practice sorcery.

We hear of people being burnt alive, amputating their limbs while they were still alive just to give them severe punishment, drilling their bodies with some sort of hot substances like wires, screw drivers, knives, or anything that will harm the people who were suspected of practicing sorcery. Well people must reap what they sow but there must be proper procedures followed to punish them.

Even after having abundant evidences and finding out that the suspects were actually practicing sorcery; people must not go ahead torturing and killing them to show their strength as if they are acting out a horrendous movie.

I think that those people who go ahead and torture and kill the suspects of sorcery haven’t heard of Law and Order in this country for the last thirty four years from now and I think that they are the ones who contribute in the accelerating Law and Order problems our country is having now.

I strongly appeal to Superintendent Joshep Tondop and his men to implement an immediate investigation over those people involved in the killings of the suspects and they will face the full consequences of taking the law into their own hands.

And one thing PNG is a Christian country so we must act what we proclaim to be and please let us apply some ethical principles in our daily lives. Remember,” Rome was not built in a day.”

Ripson Mura - Madang

- Mura is a student at the Divine Word University in Madang, PNG.

