Sense of Timing
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Be Made Clean - Mark 1:41Has Jesus ever sternly ordered you not to talk about him to anyone? Maybe he should. Apparently the best way for Jesus to get the word out about his ministry is to order it not to be done. Disobedience is so deeply rooted in us that "reverse psychology" seems to work. In this case, the leper is at a disadvantage. Imagine being sick with a disease that not only causes discomfort and ill health, but also ostracizes you from community life.Then you're miraculously healed? Who wouldn't share such news? Have you ever had such good news you were simply dying to share it? Does Jesus know that he has given the leper the kind of news that almost tells itself? It is likely that he does, and he has good reason to keep the news contained. Lots of couples wait to tell people about their pregnancy after a designated amount of time - after the first trimester, after the check-up, after the ultrasound.They do this out of concern that the news not get out and have an impact too soon.Jesus is in a similar situation. He knows that once the news gets out that the kingdom of God has come near, and healings are taking place, people will come from everywhere seeking the blessing of that same kingdom. Jesus has a sense of timing and a commitment to his tradition, to worship according to the law of Moses.The leper does not share this sense of timing. He only knows his life is completely different now, completely free, after Jesus touched and healed him. We could only wish that we would find ourselves disobeying Jesus in such an appropriate way, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ even against a proper sense of timing. Such a time is now. Labels: Sunday Insights
Sense of Timing
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Be Made Clean - Mark 1:41Has Jesus ever sternly ordered you not to talk about him to anyone? Maybe he should. Apparently the best way for Jesus to get the word out about his ministry is to order it not to be done. Disobedience is so deeply rooted in us that "reverse psychology" seems to work. In this case, the leper is at a disadvantage. Imagine being sick with a disease that not only causes discomfort and ill health, but also ostracizes you from community life.Then you're miraculously healed? Who wouldn't share such news? Have you ever had such good news you were simply dying to share it? Does Jesus know that he has given the leper the kind of news that almost tells itself? It is likely that he does, and he has good reason to keep the news contained. Lots of couples wait to tell people about their pregnancy after a designated amount of time - after the first trimester, after the check-up, after the ultrasound.They do this out of concern that the news not get out and have an impact too soon.Jesus is in a similar situation. He knows that once the news gets out that the kingdom of God has come near, and healings are taking place, people will come from everywhere seeking the blessing of that same kingdom. Jesus has a sense of timing and a commitment to his tradition, to worship according to the law of Moses.The leper does not share this sense of timing. He only knows his life is completely different now, completely free, after Jesus touched and healed him. We could only wish that we would find ourselves disobeying Jesus in such an appropriate way, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ even against a proper sense of timing. Such a time is now. Labels: Sunday Insights
Sense of Timing
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Be Made Clean - Mark 1:41Has Jesus ever sternly ordered you not to talk about him to anyone? Maybe he should. Apparently the best way for Jesus to get the word out about his ministry is to order it not to be done. Disobedience is so deeply rooted in us that "reverse psychology" seems to work. In this case, the leper is at a disadvantage. Imagine being sick with a disease that not only causes discomfort and ill health, but also ostracizes you from community life.Then you're miraculously healed? Who wouldn't share such news? Have you ever had such good news you were simply dying to share it? Does Jesus know that he has given the leper the kind of news that almost tells itself? It is likely that he does, and he has good reason to keep the news contained. Lots of couples wait to tell people about their pregnancy after a designated amount of time - after the first trimester, after the check-up, after the ultrasound.They do this out of concern that the news not get out and have an impact too soon.Jesus is in a similar situation. He knows that once the news gets out that the kingdom of God has come near, and healings are taking place, people will come from everywhere seeking the blessing of that same kingdom. Jesus has a sense of timing and a commitment to his tradition, to worship according to the law of Moses.The leper does not share this sense of timing. He only knows his life is completely different now, completely free, after Jesus touched and healed him. We could only wish that we would find ourselves disobeying Jesus in such an appropriate way, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ even against a proper sense of timing. Such a time is now. Labels: Sunday Insights