Papua New Guinea's deteriorating infrastructure poses a great threat to her people

Infrastructure can be defined as the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function.
The term typically refers to the technical structures that support a society, such as roads, water supply, sewers, power grids, telecommunications, and so forth. In papua New Guinea, some of these facilities are non existence or if they are; they were probably built in the pre-Independence days and gradually deteriorating.
Successive governments have come and gone but have not pondered for a while to assess the implications involving deteriorating infrastructure would have on Papua New Guineans if not addressed adequately. Careless spending, daylight robbery, corruption, mismanagement, and abuse of power are consuming millions of kina which properly scrutinized should have gone to maintaining infrastructure development in the country.
We have scenarios where more than thirty people lost their lives in a road accident along the Gulf - Port Moresby Road, another ten in Gulf, stories of people trying to put food on the table by walking four to five days in Telefomin, and the latest crash involving PNG airline with different nationalities. These accidents involving human lives could have been prevented if the government spent it's money on where it's mouth is.

If these establishments are given a face lift and a proper budget year -in-and year-out, Papua New Guinea will but slowly minimize the rapid deteriorating infrastructure and will in the process save thousands of innocent lives from preventable nasty accidents, sicknesses, minimize law and order resulting in low crime rates, and other related areas.
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