Any truth in word that three outspoken critics of this Government are in secret talks to leave the Opposition and joining government ranks?
Parliamentary Chairman of HIV/AIDS and Riots Against Asians Committee, Jamie Maxton Graham who broke ranks with the government in July this year over "constant bullying and threats by the Kitchen Cabinet" is tipped for a ministerial portfolio.
National Captial District Governor, Powes Parkop recently opened a new classroom in Port Moresby
Mr Graham’s elevation into the Somare Cabinet is a ploy to shut him out completely from openly attacking the Government on corruption and many major issues affecting PNG. No doubt, his promotion will upset loyal government MPs and parties in the current coalition. Western Province Governor Dr Bob Danaya, Opposition’s nominee in the vote of no confidence motion in the Prime Minister, is forced to return to government backbenches.
Dr Danaya is the main plaintiff in the current constitutional reference on certain parts of the Organic Law on Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates. He has been forced to rejoin the Government or the Western Province’s annual budget will not be approved by the Government. Sadly his decision will not be on conscience, but forced by political circumstances.
Jamie Maxton Graham who featured on the Weekend of The National shows his toughness in his workouts
Another outspoken Government critic, NCD Governor Powes Parkop who has stated on the floor of Parliament that he did not support Sir Michael’s candidacy as Prime Minister (during the election of PM in 2007 in Parliament) is understood to have been forced to make a sudden U-turn over certain things.
The three leaders’ plans are driven by self and parochial interest. It is an act of betrayal of trust and confidence PNG citizens have in them. Today they command the respect, trust and confidence of many ordinary PNG citizens for their firm and bold stance on important national issues including corruption, of which this NA Government heavily tainted with.
They’ve been on the forefront with other Opposition leaders criticising this Government and their sudden change is highly suspicious and could well prove later on as poorly calculated.
They must not give up the fight against corruption and throw in the towel for the good of over six million citizens of this nation. Our hope and the future of this great nation rest with leaders of their standing.
Dr. Danaya (front, left) spoke to the press after the Opposition claimed that they got the numbers to topple the government in a vote of no-confidence
Messrs Graham, Danaya and Parkop are all leaders of prime ministerial material and should not succumb to Government pressures and promises. Remain with Opposition and lobby hard for like-minded leaders in the Government who are against corruption like Governor of Madang Sir Arnold Amet, Rabaul MP Dr Allan and others to resign their support in this Government.
This Government will for a long time haunted by scandals and controversies like no other governments in the 34 years of PNG’s independence. You are better off where you are. Why are you risking your political future by making a suicidal act to swim into a sinking ship?
Chauka Posanau
Anti-Corruption - Los Negros Island
Labels: PNG Politics