Water, Light, and Wind
In today's gospel, Jesus explains the reign of God as patiently and clearly as he can to the bewildered Pharisee Nicodemus. Jesus evokes the images of three basic elements: water, light, and wind. Physical birth is accompanied by a rush of water. So it is with "being born of water and Spirit" (John 3:15). The rite of Holy Baptism recalls that the Spirit of God moved over the waters when God created heaven and earth. Tragically, much of the developing world is in desperate need of clean, portable water. How can we share in God's creation by helping to provide water to others?
A sunny day can lift our spirits, give us hope, and energize us. Many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), especially during the winter months when the hours of daylight each day are shortest. The resulting depression is a very real condition. Jesus states plainly that he is the light for which humanity has been longing (John 9:5). In Jesus, every day is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.

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