Leaders think it’s birthright
I TOTALLY agree with David Ulg Ketepa’s comment yesterday. The reason why church is not running at its full steam is because we have a bunch of leaders who think being a leader in the church is a birth right. There is regionalism and politics in ELC-PNG that’s why there is always this status-quo. The Yabims and Kotecs think all the top positions in the ELC-PNG should be held by them. There is already politics and regionalism going on to have one of them (Yabum or Kotec) to have the bishop position left vacant by the late bishop. For example, there is no spiritual justification of Luther Wenge being called a “songan’’ except that he makes a donation to district conference and ELC-PNG synods. Such mockery and bigotry is killing the church of a sense of spiritual enlightening, direction and change but just maintaining status-quo. ELC-PNG have a group of ill-knowledgeable or less-creative council members or board members making decisions who lack the appreciation and acceptance of change that is coming and who are just sitting in these board and council meetings to maintain the status quo.
A Member
"Port Moresby"
Labels: Editorial Letters