Controversial man’s ‘citizenship’ queried
The way an Asian man, often referred to as “Snake Head”, apparently gained citizenship has raised serious questions about the criteria used by the Citizenship Advisory Committee (CAC) to grant him citizenship. Lin Waxin’s former business partner, William Sugari, recently raised concerns over how Mr Lin was seemingly granted citizenship, after it was revealed that the controversial Chinese national was allegedly granted citizenship a month before the 2007 general election.
Mr Sugari said he was particularly concerned about the criteria which the CAC appeared to have used to grant Mr Lin citizenship despite strong recommendations from the National Intelligence Organisation (NIO) for his deportation. Local newspapers had run headlines and editorials in 2004 on allegations that Mr Lin, originally from Youyou village in Fujian province, was operating illegal businesses and smuggling people into the country.
Gabriel Pepson - the foreign affairs secretary of Papua New Guinea (second left) need to sit and talk it over with his foreign affairs officials to close the loopholes in the system
A newspaper report said that before Mr Lin was expected to be awarded his citizenship, a circulated NIO report had objected to the CAC move and had recommended a further review. In the same NIO report, which was submitted to the Foreign Affairs Department, it was suggested that some of the signatures of those in authority allowing Mr Lin’s application for citizenship were believed to have been forged.
Mr Suagri also claimed the NIO and police registered a negative report on Mr Lin on March 25, 2004, that linked him to people smuggling, alleging he had obtained work permits and Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) company registrations fraudulently, and had owed money to business entrepreneurs. Mr Sugari further claimed that the character reference provided by key Government ministers and officials (named) was also suspicious. He urged the Ombudsman Commission to investigate the manner in which Mr Lin seemingly gained citizenship. “The CAC has a responsibility to protect the interests of the people of PNG when dealing with such a controversial person,” Mr Sugari said.“The CAC must be vigilant and ensure it is not blindly used as a rubber stamp to approve applications without careful screening on the backgrounds and characters of persons with controversial backgrounds,” he added. When The National contacted the IPA to verify Mr Sugari’s allegations, it was confirmed that of Mr Lin’s three businesses, only one was operating.
The others were deregistered in 2003. An Immigration and Citizenship officer at the Foreign Affairs Department said Mr Lin was not a PNG citizen but, rather, was given permission to live in the country. No further information was available.
* Patrick Talu is a reporter of The National
***Immigration Officials and Labour Officials must be put under those Terms of Reference and strict compliance must be applied, as well.. If you do not clean out all the parasites or dead fish, you know what will happen, People Power will reign supreme. It has already happened, the people cannot attack parliament, so they will do the next best thing, they rebel against those who rule, and will cause heavy loses to property and lives?
The Politicians are feeding their own mouths, not the hungry ones on the streets and villages... I hear that Moi Avei should have been striped of his Knighthood because of his indiscretion in the Petroleum and Energy crisis, but how come he is still holding to this title. Knighthood is bestowed to people who work tirelessly for the good of The Nation, most times posthumously.
PNG is the only country that buys Knighthood titles, is what the story around the pacific... Just like buying rice in the Chinese stores they loot now... How many PNG have survived the onslaught of 40 years progress with the Stret Pasin Stua model, that was established during the Development Bank era.
How many categories of businesses are in the restricted categories ONLY FOR NATIONALS. I know, I with my colleagues in Labour and Migration had proposed and got approval for the gazette of 66 identified and restricted bisnis bilong PNG'S only. NO share partnerships, must be 100% Nationally owned... to qualify for Dev Bank small bisnis finance, or Rural loans for agricultural etc...
Labels: Corruption in PNG