Strive for Justice and Peace

Strive for justice and peace in all the earth. Many of us work hard to keep up om the news. We know about many places in the word that need peace; we hear of grave injustices. Yet, if all we do is keep trace of the news, can we say that we are striving for justice and peace? Jesus says, "Whoever serves me must follow me" (John 12:26). It is simply not a part of Jesus' gospel message that we can know about Jesus and not follow Him. As in, "oh yeah, Jesus, he was an interesting fellow." Rather, Jesus says we will lose our life in order to gain it and find it in him.
In the seasons of Lent and Easter the church's calendar commemorates many who were examples of striving for justice and peace. On March 24 we remember Bishop Oscar Romero, who died in El Salvador because he spoke up for the human rights of the poor. On April 9 we remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who died because his faith inspired him to oppose the Nazi regime. On April 29 we remember Catherine of Sienna, who devoted her life to the care of the poor and sick, and worked tirelessly to bring peace between factions within the church.

We especially remember on our Lenten journey that Jesus Christ himself strove for justice and peace in all the earth. When he says, "Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life" (John 12:25), he is speaking about himself. As we prepare for Holy Week, may we strive to follow Jesus and work for justice and peace in all parts of the world around us. And where we fail to follow, may he go ahead of us preparing the way
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