First Days at Notre Dame Secondary, Kumdi, Mount Hagen, WHP, PNG

As you can imagine, as we start a new school year, life is busy, to say the least!!! Sister Anne Mary, our Toledo Provincial Superior was here for a quick visit during those initial days. As the school formed a guard of honor at her departure, I realized the volume of the students for 2009—640!!! And they are not “little girls”! Sister Mary Susan went off to her second year of nursing training soon after Sister’s arrival. Sister Peter Marie returned to Divine Word University to complete her diploma work in business studies too!
This week Wednesday, Sister Marietta will accompany our three Novices to Tanzania where they will do their Novitiate with our African Novices! Then too soon Sr. Mary Rose Bernard will be off to Germany and Rome for the Conference soon followed by Sr. Pauline Marie! All kinds of comings, but mostly goings these days!
We are starting our third week of school with most of the students here. We were given about 20 more than we have dorm space for so there are girls doubling in beds already starting the second week. Our new 52 bed dorm will be finished about Easter if all goes well and is already almost filled!!! We are one teacher short – any volunteers to teach grade 11 and 12 history??? My assistant principal administration became the principal of Fatima and the Principal there came here in Leo’s position!
Their gain and our loss! Otherwise our staff is almost the same! They are hardworking and dedicated. This year about 71% of the grade 12 students went on for further studies. This is great when the norm for the country is only 30%!!! Higher secondary education is very competitive!!! We have 3 each of grade 9 and 10 and 5 each of grades 11 and 12. And they are full classrooms ranging from 48 to 36!!! With the theme of BE & DO your BEST, we are hoping for the best this new school!
May your Lenten time be graced and as you prepare for the MIRACLE of miracles!
With a promise of prayer,
Sister Mary Vivette
Sister Mary Vivette Baker, S.N.D.
Notre Dame Secondary School
P.O. Box 164
Mt. Hagen, W.H.P.
Phone: 675-542-2150
Fax: 675-542-2175
Labels: Notre Dame Secondary School