Papua New Guinea (PNG) government must create more job opportunities for Papua New Guineans
Job creation by the government is scarce which adds more fuel to the fire already burning out of control. Unemployment rates are skyrocketing as more and more students graduate out of colleges and universities. What is the government doing to eradicate this syndrome? In a country where young people resort to crime almost every day to meet daily needs, providing more job opportunities for these folks could minimize some of these criminal activities.
Establishing more schools and allowing more children to attend school does not do any good to the increasing crimes committed everyday in major cities and towns around the country. Unless the government create more job opportunities, crime will still be an impediment to economic growth in PNG.
Today, job search in PNG is like, the survival of the fittest. The bottom line is; it's not what you know but it's whom you know these days in PNG job markets. A friendly reminder: To find a good job in PNG, you need to know someone who hires, make sure you have some money to give him/her or buy a lunch box, smoke, butternuts, etc... (now, does this smells like corruption? I don't know but you tell me).
To get that job you need to do whatever it takes to get there. You don't need to show what kind of degree you got. This scenario is creating huge gaps for both males and females to find good paid jobs. I have been there and done that and those who have been in my situation know what I highlight here. I have siblings in school and this scenario really concerns me every time I went to bed.
Ultimately, the chances of finding a good job in the old fashion way is less than fifty percent but if you try the PNG style of looking for a job either by what most PNGeans call the "back-door-deal,' you might have a ninety-five percent success rate.
Now I don't encourage anyone to try the latter but it's now a norm in PNG and whether you like it or not you got to adhere to it to put food on the table for your family. Those who are looking high and low to find a good decent job, I wish you happy job hunting in PNG.
Labels: PNG News