Reformation Jubilee in 2017 Must Have Clear Ecumenical Dimension
The bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hanover Dr. Margot Kässmann has issued a strong plea to "give the jubilee of the Reformation clear ecumenical dimension." On 26 March in one of the main presentations at the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches: Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today," the regional bishop insisted that, despite their disagreements and their specific identities, the Roman Catholic and Lutheran Churches have more things in common than things that separate them.
"In a secular society, a common witness of Christians is of eminent importance," Kässmann told consultation participants. The closer the church is in its presentations to the public, the theologian asserted, the better it is listened to as a church.
With regard to the 2017 Reformation jubilee, Kässmann feels it is extremely important that the event is used as an opportunity for critical reflection. "I am convinced [that] the churches of the Reformation in Germany, as well as Lutheran churches worldwide, are strong enough not to blind out the dark sides oftheir great founder," Kässmann explained.
"The Bible is the focal point of reference for the Reformation,"the theologian insisted. For this reason, she hoped that during preparations for the Reformation jubilee fresh orientation from the Bible will be sought out.
She also hoped that Christians, in Europe especially, will once again find a common language. More than 120 theologians from across the globe are taking part in the consultation "Theology in the Life of Lutheran Churches:Transformative Perspectives and Practices Today" in Augsburg, Germany, from 25 to 31 March under the auspices of the LWF Department for Theology and Studies, in collaboration with the Institute of Protestant Theology of the University of Augsburg.
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