Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Government of Papua New Guinea's new Balus (Falcon Jet)


This is totally insane! It really saddens me when the Government is adamant at purchasing a Falcon Jet. I am saddened because when the majority of ordinary Papua New Guineas are living in abstract poverty and deprived of basic services, the Government is doing the complete opposite.

A similar model of the plane above will be purchased by the government of Papua New Guinea to replace it's current plane, 'Kumul One'

The ever increasing cost of living in places like Port Moresby is causing ordinary Public Servants to move into settlements . They are finding it difficult to maintain their families for a fortnight. Yet the government is not addressing their needs .The Public Hospitals in the country do not have the basic equipment and medicines to cure diseases. Yet the Government thinks everything is well. And the list goes on.

The very poor man living at the boarder of Madang and Jimi will not have a chance to travel on the Falcon jet and he does not have to. All he needs is basic Government services. I doubt whether those basic Government services have reached the poor man in the remotest part such that it justifies the purchase of a Falcon jet. This Government is totally insane.

Samson Kissa
C.I.S Zoo


*** I think this is a careless spending by the government. If the government thinks it's a good deal; bottom line is, it benefits only the cream of the crop and the well to do while the majority of Papua New Guineans suffer in silence.

It would be wise to use some of these money to develop infrastructure, health care, education, increase public servants' salaries, offer scholarships and so on for the vast majority of Papua New Guineans to alleviate some of these social issues dominating the papers each day.

The government is for the people and therefore we disagree with certain steps taken by the government since Somare and his cohorts took office. Let's formulate long term goals to spend tax payers' money wisely rather than marching on a spending spree involving shortsighted plans that only benefit the people who already stole millions of kina from the people's coffers as well as developmental funds for Papua New Guineans from donor agencies.



The Government of Papua New Guinea's new Balus (Falcon Jet)


This is totally insane! It really saddens me when the Government is adamant at purchasing a Falcon Jet. I am saddened because when the majority of ordinary Papua New Guineas are living in abstract poverty and deprived of basic services, the Government is doing the complete opposite.

A similar model of the plane above will be purchased by the government of Papua New Guinea to replace it's current plane, 'Kumul One'

The ever increasing cost of living in places like Port Moresby is causing ordinary Public Servants to move into settlements . They are finding it difficult to maintain their families for a fortnight. Yet the government is not addressing their needs .The Public Hospitals in the country do not have the basic equipment and medicines to cure diseases. Yet the Government thinks everything is well. And the list goes on.

The very poor man living at the boarder of Madang and Jimi will not have a chance to travel on the Falcon jet and he does not have to. All he needs is basic Government services. I doubt whether those basic Government services have reached the poor man in the remotest part such that it justifies the purchase of a Falcon jet. This Government is totally insane.

Samson Kissa
C.I.S Zoo


*** I think this is a careless spending by the government. If the government thinks it's a good deal; bottom line is, it benefits only the cream of the crop and the well to do while the majority of Papua New Guineans suffer in silence.

It would be wise to use some of these money to develop infrastructure, health care, education, increase public servants' salaries, offer scholarships and so on for the vast majority of Papua New Guineans to alleviate some of these social issues dominating the papers each day.

The government is for the people and therefore we disagree with certain steps taken by the government since Somare and his cohorts took office. Let's formulate long term goals to spend tax payers' money wisely rather than marching on a spending spree involving shortsighted plans that only benefit the people who already stole millions of kina from the people's coffers as well as developmental funds for Papua New Guineans from donor agencies.



The Government of Papua New Guinea's new Balus (Falcon Jet)


This is totally insane! It really saddens me when the Government is adamant at purchasing a Falcon Jet. I am saddened because when the majority of ordinary Papua New Guineas are living in abstract poverty and deprived of basic services, the Government is doing the complete opposite.

A similar model of the plane above will be purchased by the government of Papua New Guinea to replace it's current plane, 'Kumul One'

The ever increasing cost of living in places like Port Moresby is causing ordinary Public Servants to move into settlements . They are finding it difficult to maintain their families for a fortnight. Yet the government is not addressing their needs .The Public Hospitals in the country do not have the basic equipment and medicines to cure diseases. Yet the Government thinks everything is well. And the list goes on.

The very poor man living at the boarder of Madang and Jimi will not have a chance to travel on the Falcon jet and he does not have to. All he needs is basic Government services. I doubt whether those basic Government services have reached the poor man in the remotest part such that it justifies the purchase of a Falcon jet. This Government is totally insane.

Samson Kissa
C.I.S Zoo


*** I think this is a careless spending by the government. If the government thinks it's a good deal; bottom line is, it benefits only the cream of the crop and the well to do while the majority of Papua New Guineans suffer in silence.

It would be wise to use some of these money to develop infrastructure, health care, education, increase public servants' salaries, offer scholarships and so on for the vast majority of Papua New Guineans to alleviate some of these social issues dominating the papers each day.

The government is for the people and therefore we disagree with certain steps taken by the government since Somare and his cohorts took office. Let's formulate long term goals to spend tax payers' money wisely rather than marching on a spending spree involving shortsighted plans that only benefit the people who already stole millions of kina from the people's coffers as well as developmental funds for Papua New Guineans from donor agencies.

