Joseph Kingal Ministries: 2010 CRUSADE PLAN

Please pray for us as we plan the 2010 National Crusades as part of our 89 Electorate Soul Winning Plan. Our five major national crusades will be as follows:
1. March 1-5,2010, JIMI Crusade, Tabibuga Station, Middle Jimi Valley, Jiwaka
2. May 1-21,2010, LAE Crusade, Eriku Oval, 20th Annivesary Celebrations
3. June 28-July 5, RABAUL, PilaPila Primary School, Rabaul
4. November 1-12,2010, Madang Crusade, Laiweden Oval
5. December 5-13,2010, Tewassisi Crusade, Sialum High School field
Also pray for our final national crusade near Markham Valley High School, MUZTING station in December 5-13,2009. So far 23 local chruches have registered for this evangelistic crusade. Glory to God.
In His Service,
Joseph Kingal Ministries
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